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Update about Cal Young administration team

Posted Date: 7/22/24 (2:30 PM)

Dear Cal Young Families,

I hope this message finds you in good health and enjoying summer fun. Last week, I introduced Brian Young as our new AP, and now, amidst the rapidly changing landscape, I have more news to share.

It is with mixed emotions that I share with you the news of my departure from Cal Young Middle School as I transition to a new role as athletic director/assistant principal at Sheldon High School.

Serving as the Cal Young principal over the past six years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. Together, we have built a nurturing and dynamic school community where students grow academically, socially, and emotionally. I am incredibly proud of all we have accomplished together.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated teachers and staff, whose commitment to our students' success has been inspiring. To our wonderful students, I am grateful for your hard work, enthusiasm, and kindness. You have made my time here truly special. And to the parents, thank you for your constant support and partnership in fostering an enriching learning environment.

Though I am excited about this new chapter in my career, leaving Cal Young MS is bittersweet. I will carry with me the cherished memories and invaluable lessons learned during my time here.

I am glad to leave you in very good hands. Brian Young, who I introduced to you last week as our new assistant principal, will be stepping into the principal role. For the past 14 years, he has worked in various secondary administration roles in Junction City, including serving as principal at Oaklea Middle School and most recently at Junction City High School. Prior to his service as an administrator, he was a social studies teacher at Roseburg High School for over 10 years. Known for his dedication to student success, family engagement, and creating inclusive environments, Mr. Young has implemented numerous programs to boost student achievement. His hands-on approach and "kids first" mentality will make him a valuable addition to our leadership team.

I’d like to also introduce Assistant Principal Brandon Parks, who will be joining Cal Young with decades of middle school experience in the Springfield School District. For the past five years, he has worked as an instructional coach at Thurston Middle School. Before that, he taught math at Briggs and Hamlin middle schools for 15 years and served as a middle school athletic director at Briggs. His expert knowledge of instructional best practices, strong leadership skills, ability to build collaborative relationships, and a deep understanding of behavior management strategies make him a great addition to Cal Young’s administrative team.

I am confident that the strong foundation the CY community has built will continue to flourish under new leadership, and I look forward to hearing about all the future successes of our students and school.

Thank you once again for the privilege of serving as your principal. I wish you all continued success and happiness.

Warm regards,

Chris Mitchell
Former CY Principal and new AD/AP at Sheldon High School