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Meal Menus

LINQ Connect- School Menu Access

LINQ Connect is an online tool designed to give you quick access to school menus, ingredients, carb counts, allergens, and more!! Simply select your school from the drop down menu and see everything you may want to know about what is being served.

For access to weekly menus, scroll to “Check District Menus” and enter “4J” in the search field. Filter to your student’s school (or where you are picking up meals), then use the arrows to rotate to the menu week desired. Hover over any item to see nutrition information or use filters for allergens and dietary restrictions. You may print menus by using the icon in the right corner of the menu page.


**All grab and go meals are currently free to all 4J students and any youth 18 years of age and younger

Breakfast and lunch are free for all students this year. However, if your family qualifies for Free or Reduced meals, we encourage you to apply. The benefits go beyond school meals. Opportunities are available to students and families who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, such as reduced participation fees for 4J athletics and activities, Kidsports, the City of Eugene, and other after school programs; PLUS, low-cost high-speed internet or mobile hot spots.

Although all students will receive free meals regardless of application or eligibility, the district may be reimbursed for the cost of meals when the student qualifies for federal or state free meal programs up to $1,309/year

Families of students at schools not already qualified for free meals* and whose income qualifies (see Oregon Expanded Income Chart) —e.g. up to $90,000 a year for a family of four, or receive other public benefits—are encouraged to fill out the state’s confidential application for free/reduced-price meals to save the district’s operating budget the cost of their free meals and to become eligible for other benefits.



For more information about 4J’s student meal account management, click here or call Nutrition Services at 541-790-7653.