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Volunteering at Cal Young

The Cal Young Middle School has set goals to improve the connection between the school and community through participation in volunteering and in our PTO.

We know that schools have better outcomes for students when families and community members are engaged in and participate in school activities.  

There are a range of opportunities allowing all to engage in some manner from daily to monthly roles and morning to afternoon experiences.  

We would like to invite you all to be a part of our school community!

Volunteer Building Check-in: The 4J School District has implemented a new software system to assist all schools with checking volunteers and visitors in and out of their buildings in a more efficient and secure way.

All adults, who volunteer in the school, are required to have an approved background check on file. If you have never completed this form and would like to volunteer in the school, please use the following link:  Volunteer Application to complete the form. Once approved (an email notice will be sent to you), you will be uploaded into our system and available to receive notices about upcoming events to volunteer for.

Volunteer opportunities at Cal Young Middle School

Single Event  Opportunities

  • Activity Nights
    • Come support our student safety while enjoying dancing and student fun!  There will be two activity nights, the first a Halloween theme on Nov. 1st from 7pm to 8:30pm and the second a Valentine theme on Feb. 14th from 7pm to 8:30pm.  The volunteer duties can be simply supervision or ticket taking or concessions support.  Come have some fun with our students!
  • Picture Day Help
    • With a student body almost 500 strong, we could use your help in making our picture day as smooth as possible.

Ongoing Support Opportunities

  • Office Meeting Support:
    • Our office staff meets from 10:30am to 11:30 am on Fridays.  It is super helpful for the office staff to have a community volunteer help support receptionist duties while the office staff meets.  Otherwise there are a lot of interruptions!  This volunteer would need to be stable or consistent;  It could also be a few friends who share the duty!
  • Crossing Guard Support:
    • Crossing Guards support safe student crossing of Gilham Rd.  
    • Crossing guard needs are daily in the morning, 8:30am- 9am and after school 3:30pm- 4pm (Wednesday 2:30pm- 3:00pm).
  • Lunch and Break Time Supervision
    • There are CY staff that support the safety of students during morning break and lunch, however, parents and community members could provide additional resource to support student needs.  Volunteers could be parents, grandparents, or other community members who want to have fun interacting with students in a less structured environment and provide better supervision and safety.  The 15 minute morning break is M,T,Th,F 10:17am- 10:32am, W 9:42am- 9:57 am.  The lunch times are M,T,Th,F 12:02pm- 1:19pm  (Wednesday 11:17 am- 12:29 pm).  Volunteers could support only breaks, only lunches or other combinations of their time!
  • Library Help
    • Library helpers support morning supervision and tasks in the library (8:30am- 9:30am) or during the lunch hours (see above) in the library.  Julie Hopkins, our librarian, assists in the tasks and will support the volunteers.


Parent Leadership Opportunities

PTO members (no formal volunteer paperwork required)

  • The Parent Teacher Organize meets either monthly or bimonthly and generally serves functions to help educate our families, celebrate student success, or fund raise.  A list of tasks performed by the PTO are 
    • Student Culture / Climate related fundraising
    • Volunteer support for other school climate activities, like activity nights
    • Parent education nights